
Therapeutic Approach

therapeutic approach

My approach for counseling is dependent upon you, while also maintaining my own authenticity.  I tailor my techniques, approach, and exercises to what is appropriate for each person/situation and what we both feel is most effective for you.  I feel it is best to use an integrated approach when working with the complexities that life brings us. 

approaches utilized

Overall, I am a person-centered therapist.  I maintain a nonjudgmental mindset with unconditional positive regard for you and your growth throughout the therapeutic process.  I often utilize techniques of cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapy because our thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and our childhood experiences are all very impactful on who we are and the problems we face. I also believe strongly in a systemic and intersectional approach where there is an understanding and consideration for how the systems, in which we have all been exposed to throughout our life, and your unique identities have influenced the person you are today. With my expertise, I use the most effective and appropriate techniques when exploring growth with you.

treatment focus

In my work I have found that majority of the problems people experience are rooted in unworthiness and disconnection, and as people we have a desire to feel worthy and connected to themselves as well as others.  These experiences are not isolated to you, so you are not alone. In order to experience connection and take up space in worthiness, involves a practice of both courage and vulnerability.  We all have the strength to do this, in fact, we do it every day in the simplest of ways without evening knowing it.  This is referred to as, ordinary courage. 

therapeutic relationship

Our relationship, as client and counselor, is essential to your therapeutic experience.  We will discuss our relationship throughout treatment, openly and honestly, as it will help us improve your progress, and communication skills, in a collaborative manner.  While there is a “power dynamic” between us, I believe you know yourself best and so I conduct therapy in a collaborative manner, which I find helps folks feel more empowered in their work. Our relationship is important to examine, as sometimes this relationship can mirror other relationships in your life and provide you with useful insights and skills that may improve your life.

ethical practices

The therapy process is a vulnerable and sacred one. In my practice, I uphold the American Counseling Association’s (ACA) 2014 Code of Ethics. I aim to enhance human development throughout the life span, honor diversity and embrace a multicultural and systemic approach in support of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of people within their social and cultural contexts; promote social justice; safeguard the integrity of the counselor–client relationship; and practice in a competent and ethical manner. Please review the ACA 2014 Code of Ethics and let me know if you have any questions or concerns about our work together.